Sunday, September 15, 2013

Importance of Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Engineering is considered one of the most life sciences, but we do not know much about it in the Arab world, despite their use inmany areas of importance.
And also that every thing has advantages and disadvantages are alsonuclear engineering can be used in things useful and can be used inthings harmful, because the human enemy what he Ignorant we will try to clarify the benefits of nuclear energy in this blog and the topic will be, God willing, for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, but beforetalking about the uses to be know some basics and concepts such as;
 What is nuclear energy? What is a nuclear reactor? What areisotopes? What is nuclear radiation? ....... Etc..
This article will be an explanation of the most important basics: -

Nuclear energy is the energy that is generated by controlling theinteractions of fission or fusion of atomic nuclides. Take advantage ofthis energy in nuclear power plants, to heat water to produce steamwhich is then used to produce electricity.

Nuclear reactor is a device used to start a sustained nuclear chain reaction and to control it. 
The use of nuclear reactors for the production of electric power andnuclear weapons and the removal of salts and other minerals from the water to get clean water and convert certain chemical elements toother elements and the production of isotopes of chemical elementswith the effectiveness of radiation and for other purposes.
The first nuclear reactor designed by the Italian scientist Enrico Fermi and his colleagues.

Radioisotopes,a radioactive chemical elements that are unstable and have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.Isotopes are different in physical properties, but are similar with respect to chemical properties.

Radioactive Decay: Radioactive Decay occurs when an unstable nucleus losses a particle and electromagnetic radiation. This decay produces a daughter atom that may also be unstable and occurs at an average rate, which is called the half-life (the amount of time it takes for one half of the parent material decay to the daughter). While radioactive decay has been utilized for deep-space probes (using plutonium-238 pellets), it does not create the amount of energy that fission or fusion does and therefore it has limited potential for large power-producing facilities.

Fission: Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atom's nucleus into parts (lighter nuclei that are different from the parent and neutrons) by capturing a neutron. Nuclear fission produces heat (also called an exothermic reaction), because if you add all the masses together of the products of reaction you do not get the starting mass. That loss of mass is the heat and electromagnetic radiation produced during fission, and it produces large amounts of energy that can be utilized for power. Fission produces neutrons which can then be captured by other atoms to continue the reaction (chain reaction) with more neutrons being produce at each step. When a reaction reaches critical mass, the reaction becomes self sustaining. If too many neutrons are generated, the reaction can get out of control and an explosion can occur. To prevent this from occurring, control rods that absorb the extra neutrons are interspersed with the fuel rods. Uranium-235 is the most commonly used fuel for fission. Nuclear fission can produce 200 MeV of energy.

Fusion: Nuclear fusion is another method to produce nuclear energy. Two light elements, like tritium and deuterium, are forced to fuse and form helium and a neutron. This is the same reaction that fuels the sun and produces the light and heat. Unlike fission, fusion produces less energy (~18 MeV), but the components are more abundant and cheaper than uranium.

Nuclear radiation is a physical phenomenon occurs in the unstable atoms of the elements, and in which the atomic nucleus loses some particles and turn corn item to another item, or peer-to-last of the item itself.

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